Corina Șuteu

Corina Șuteu is a cultural policies expert, cultural entrepreneur, and project curator with an international career spanning over 30 years. In 2016, she was Minister of Culture in a technocratic government. She has worked in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors and lived in Romania, France, and New York (USA). She also developed a notable international profile as an educator and author.

In recent years, her activities have been focused on consultancy, cultural cooperation, and curatorship. She published numerous articles on cultural policies and management, as well as Another Brick in the Wall: a critical review of cultural management education in Europe.”

Currently, she is president and co-producer of the Making Waves and fARAD film festivals and curator of the alternative space Insula 42, a platform on which she leads research and consultancy activities together with Oana Radu and other collaborators. You can read her running column in Revista 22 here: Gânduri de pe Insula 42.

*Photo by Ion Barbu, in Herculane

Expertise for the past 30 years

Project Designer

Project Designer

Some of the most distinctive projects that I have designed, co-founded, and implemented are:
ECUMEST training program in cultural management
• Press-stress for press distribution
• Professional training for theater technicians (w/ Odeon Theater, Bucharest/ ENSATT, Paris)
Policies for Culture (w/ European Cultural Foundation - ECUMEST)
Andrei Șerban Traveling Academy (Academia itinerantă Andrei Șerban)
Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, film festival in NY
fARAD, international documentary film festival in Arad
• The Pintilie Fund, which restored The Oak (w/ Fundația9 BRD)
Insula 42, a creative incubator and connective platform for cultural agents
Saloanele Insula 42, online conversations (w/ French Institute and Goethe Institute)

Team Leader

Team Leader

As Director of UNITER (Theater Union of Romania), I successfully participated in restructuring the union into a project-based organization, co-designing and implementing programs national and international in scope.
As Director of Theatrum Mundi (currently Metropolis Theater), I ran the first project-based public theater in Romania and designed an interdisciplinary and contemporary approach to the arts. Among my productions with emerging talents were Matei Vișniec, the contemporary dance group Marginalii, and the rock band Sarmalele Reci.
As Director of the Mastère Spécialisé Européen en Management des Entreprises Culturelles, I initiated the ECUMEST program, a master’s degree dedicated to Eastern-European countries.
As Director of the Romanian Cultural Institute in NY, I forged a highly visible and flourishing open space for intercultural dialogue, connecting vibrant Romanian arts and artists to the evolving international scene.
As coordinator of the Romanian Pavilion at the 2015 Venice Biennale, I produced the exhibition Darwin’s Room: Adrian Ghenie.
I founded the associations ECUMEST and Film ETC. [currently Insula 42] - two NGOs dedicated to making the cultural sector in Romania more professional and more international.

Cultural Journalist

Cultural Journalist

My career began in 1984 as a theater critic for Teatrul Magazine. I wrote, at their debut, about actors including Maia Morgenstern, Marian Râlea, Claudiu Bleonț, Gheorghe Visu, and Simona Măicănescu, among many others.
I am the author of “Another brick in the wall. A critical review of cultural management education in Europe” (Boekman Foundation, Amsterdam, 2006) and numerous studies and research articles on cultural cooperation, cultural management, and cultural policies. I have published articles for Counterpoint (London), Culture Europe (Paris), La revue de l’Observatoire des politiques culturelles (Grenoble), Policies for Culture Journal (Bucharest-Amsterdam), Economia della cultura review (Italy); La pierre angulaire volume (Publications universitaires Fribourg, Switzerland), and Romanian cultural magazines Dilema, Revista 22, Sinteza, and Steaua.
Together with Mihai Pop, I co-edited the Adrian Ghenie album published by Humanitas in 2015.
To this day, I continue to write articles on cultural issues.

Minister of Culture

Minister of Culture

I was Romania’s Minister of Culture from May 2016 to January 2017 and championed the adoption of a new law dedicated to cinema as well as securing the enlisting of the Rosia Montana site on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List.



I worked extensively as a consultant and researcher in the fields of cultural cooperation and cultural management and policies with leading organizations throughout Europe such as IETM, The Council of Europe, European Cultural Foundation, UNESCO, AFAA, Interarts, Felix Meritis, VLAAMS Theater Institute, Goethe Institute, Relais Culture Europe, Bulgarian Book Center, etc. *complete list available in CV.
I contributed as a senior expert to the development of the Cultural Strategy of the City for Arad and Bucharest and to the reorganization of the approach regarding Timișoara Capital of Culture 2023.



For nine years, I was the director at the European Master’s Degree in Cultural Management of the Business School in Dijon, France.
I initiated and participated in various training programs hosted by prestigious national and international institutions. For more details, see my CV.
In 2020 and 2021, I designed the Academy of Change - Training and Mentoring Program for Cultural Professionals with the Cluj Cultural Center. I was also invited to be a lecturer at MECIC, Paris, and BSB, Dijon.



I have created powerful project-based teams and co-produced multi-annual projects like Andrei Șerban Traveling Academy (theater), Policies for Culture (cultural policy), Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema - the longstanding Romanian film festival in New York since 2006, and fARAD Documentary Film Festival in Arad, Romania, an event with a unique profile in the regional landscape since 2014.
As coordinator of the Romanian Pavilion at the 2015 Venice Biennale, I acted as co-producer of the exhibition Darwin’s Room: Adrian Ghenie.

Snap shots

  • Anamaria Marinca, Mihai Pop, Andreea Vălean, Adrian Ghenie, Alex Leo Șerban and Corina Șuteu, in Cluj (2010)
  • First promotion of Mastère Spécialisé Européen Management des E
  • Theatrum Mundi in the press
    Theatrum Mundi in the press
  • Corina Șuteu, Oana Radu and Andrei Ujică – Making Waves Film Festival, New York (2019) [photo by Elmar Lemes]
  • Group of students, Saline Royale Arc-et-Senans
  • Sanda Manu, Lucian Pintilie and Corina Șuteu [photo by Sorin Lupșa]
    Sanda Manu, Lucian Pintilie and Corina Șuteu [photo by Sorin Lupșa]
  • Andreea Iager-Tako and Corina Șuteu at FABER Community, Timișoara
    Andreea Iager-Tako and Corina Șuteu at FABER Community, Timișoara
  • MoMA NYC opening of the German film season with Anne Hubbell and Eugene Hernandez (2013)
    MoMA NYC opening of the German film season with Anne Hubbell and Eugene Hernandez (2013)
  • Mihai Chiriloc, Marina Drăghici, Alex Leo Șerban and Corina Șuteu
    Mihai Chiriloc, Marina Drăghici, Alex Leo Șerban and Corina Șuteu
  • With George Dinică, ICR NY (2007)
  • With Dan Perjovschi and Cristian Neagoe protesting for RCI (2012)
  • Dan Sociu and Corina Șuteu
    Dan Sociu and Corina Șuteu
  • Timotei Nădăşan, Adrian Ghenie, Elvira Lupșa, Mircea Candor and Corina Șuteu - TIFF, Cluj (2014)
    Timotei Nădăşan, Adrian Ghenie, Elvira Lupșa, Mircea Candor and Corina Șuteu - TIFF, Cluj (2014)
  • Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, NYC (2013)
    Celebrating Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, NYC (2013)
  • With Elen Steward and Ion Caramitru at the fisrt press conference of the newly founded UNITER
  • Victor Rebengiuc, Mariana Mihuț and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC (2010)
    Victor Rebengiuc, Mariana Mihuț and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC (2010)
  • Audrey Azoulay, Anca Mitran, Luca Niculescu and Corina Șuteu signing the cinema convention Romania-France (2016)
    French Minister of Culture Audrey Azoulay, Anca Mitran, Luca Niculescu and Corina Șuteu signing the cinema convention Romania-France (2016)
  • Oana Radu and Corina Șuteu attending New York Comic Con (2009)
    Oana Radu and Corina Șuteu attending New York Comic Con (2009)
  • Omulan, Oana Radu and Corina Șuteu, manifesting for Rosia Montana in 2013
    Omulan, Oana Radu and Corina Șuteu, manifesting for Rosia Montana in 2013
  • Presenting Darwin's Room with Attila Kim (2015)
    Presenting Darwin's Room with Attila Kim (2015)
  • With Mihai Chirilov and Cristi Puiu
  • With Oana Botez, Nic Ularu and Marina Draghici
  • Peter Scarlet, Alex Leo Șerban and Corina Șuteu
    Peter Scarlet, Alex Leo Șerban and Corina Șuteu
  • Jane Neal, Adrian Ghenie and Corina Șuteu, in front of the Romanian Pavilion, Venice (2015)
    Jane Neal, Adrian Ghenie and Corina Șuteu, in front of the Romanian Pavilion, Venice (2015)
  • With Philip Glass, Anca Harasim, Andrei Serban and the US Ambassador Hans Klemm.
    With Philip Glass, Anca Harasim, Andrei Serban and the US Ambassador Hans Klemm.
  • Corina Șuteu, Mircea Cantor and Dacian Cioloș (2016)
  • ICR NY, with Dan Perjovschi and Andrei Șerban
  • Cristian Neagoe and Corina Șuteu - Train Delivery, Bucharest (2013)
    Cristian Neagoe and Corina Șuteu - Train Delivery, Bucharest (2013)
  • fARAD
    fARAD 2021
  • Mihai Chirilov, Scott Foundas, Tudor Giurgiu and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC (2011)
    Mihai Chirilov, Scott Foundas, Tudor Giurgiu and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC (2011)
  • Reading at the RCI NY Gallery (2011)
  • Adrian Titieni, Ghighi Bejan and Corina Șuteu
    Adrian Titieni, Ghighi Bejan and Corina Șuteu
  • With Mircea Cantor at his exhibition in DC - Angels and Airplanes (rugs by Victoria Berbecaru)
  • Mircea Daneliuc and Corina Șuteu (2015) [photo by Julie Cunnah]
    Mircea Daneliuc and Corina Șuteu (2015) [photo by Julie Cunnah]
  • Mihai Pop, Victor Man and Corina Șuteu
    Mihai Pop, Victor Man and Corina Șuteu
  • Corina Șuteu, early years as theater critic
    Corina Șuteu, early years as theater critic
  • Elvira Lupșa, Mihai Chirilov, Vlad Ivanov, Tudor Giurdiu and Corina Șuteu - TIFF, Cluj (2014)
    Elvira Lupșa, Mihai Chirilov, Vlad Ivanov, Tudor Giurdiu and Corina Șuteu - TIFF, Cluj (2014) [photo Nicu Cherciu]
  • Film crew 'De ce scriu ăștia pe pereți?' at Insula 42 with Corina Șuteu and Elvira Lupșa (2022)
    Film crew 'De ce scriu ăștia pe pereți?' at Insula 42 with Corina Șuteu and Elvira Lupșa (2022)
  • Oana Radu, Ștefania Ferchedău and Corina Șuteu - Insula 42
    Oana Radu, Ștefania Ferchedău and Corina Șuteu - Insula 42
  • Saviana Stănescu, Dorina Lazăr, Radu Afrim, Alina Nelega, Toma Gabor and Corina Șuteu
    Saviana Stănescu, Dorina Lazăr, Radu Afrim, Alina Nelega, Toma Gabor and Corina Șuteu
  • Corina Șuteu, Mircea Cantor, Marie France Ionesco, Lucian Pintilie and Andrei Șerban – MoMa, New York (2012)
  • Cultural Diplomacy Conference, Brussels (2014)
    Cultural Diplomacy Conference, Brussels (2014)
  • Voicu Rădescu, Cătplin Babliuc, Elvira Lupșa and Corina Șuteu, in NYC (2011)
    Voicu Rădescu, Cătălin Babliuc, Elvira Lupșa and Corina Șuteu, in NYC (2011)
  • Public consultation on Cinematography Law (2016)
    Public consultation on Cinematography Law (2016)
  • Opening of the Dan Perjovschi exhibition at MoMA, NYC (2007)
    Opening of the Dan Perjovschi exhibition at MoMA, NYC (2007)
  • Philip Roth, Norman Manea, Bob Silvers, Orhan Pamuk, Corina Șuteu and Mihnea Motoc, on the occasion National Order received by Norman Manea, New York (2007)
    Philip Roth, Norman Manea, Bob Silvers, Orhan Pamuk, Corina Șuteu and Mihnea Motoc, on the occasion National Order received by Norman Manea, New York (2007)
  • Corina Șuteu and Roman Tolici at Mobius Gallery, Bucharest (2018)
  • Anghel Damian and Corina Șuteu, Cannes Film Festival (2016)
    Anghel Damian and Corina Șuteu, Cannes Film Festival (2016)
  • Corina Șuteu, Oana Radu and Mihai Chirilov - Making Waves Film Festival, New York (2018) [photo by Margaret Ferrec]
  • Monica Bîrlădeanu and Andi Vasluianu, at Lincoln Center for Making Waves, NYC (2012)
    Monica Bîrlădeanu and Andi Vasluianu, at Lincoln Center for Making Waves, NYC (2012)
  • Herculane Project, Baile Herculane, Romania (2018)
  • Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, NYC (2012)
    Making Waves: New Romanian Cinema, NYC (2012)
  • Matei Branea, Elvira Lupșa, Dan Perjovschi, Corneliu Porumboiu, Marius Manole and Corina Șuteu - NYC (2009)
    Matei Branea, Elvira Lupșa, Dan Perjovschi, Corneliu Porumboiu, Marius Manole and Corina Șuteu - NYC (2009)
  • Corina Șuteu receiving the decoration Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, French Embassy in Bucharest (2017)
    Corina Șuteu receiving the decoration Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, French Embassy in Bucharest (2017)
  • Corina Șuteu at the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (2016) [photo Lucien Samaha]
  • Subcarpați and Corina Șuteu (2016)
    Alexe Marius Andrei / Subcarpați and Corina Șuteu (2016)
  • Radu Pandele and Corina Șuteu
    Radu Pandele and Corina Șuteu
  • With Horațiu Mălăiele, ICR NY
  • First Alumni of ECUMEST and Gabriela Tudor the branch coordinator (1996)
  • In Paris, together with Jack Lang celebrating 30 years of the European Masters' degree in Cultural Management of the Burgundy School of business.
    In Paris, together with Jack Lang celebrating 30 years of the European Masters' degree in Cultural Management of the Burgundy School of business.
  • Corina Șuteu and Mircea Cărtărescu – Washington (2011)
  • First ECUMEST brochure designed by Dan Perjovschi
  • Corina Șuteu, Mihai Chirilov, Mariana Mihuț and Victor Rebengiuc - Making Waves Film Festival, New York (2010) [photo by Lucien Samaha]
  • Dan Micu, Mircea Ghițulescu, Alexandru Dabija and Corina Șuteu
    Dan Micu, Mircea Ghițulescu, Alexandru Dabija and Corina Șuteu
  • Oana Radu, Mihai Chirilov and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC
    Oana Radu, Mihai Chirilov and Corina Șuteu - Making Waves, NYC
  • With Edmond Niculușcă (ARCEN) and Matei David.
    With Edmond Niculușcă (ARCEN) and Matei David.
  • Gérard Depardieu / The ECUMEST program (1995)
  • Corina Șuteu by Matei Branea
  • Corina Șuteu, Cristian Mungiu and Olivier Assayas - Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest (2018)
  • Ștefan Bâlici and Corina Șuteu (2022)
    Ștefan Bâlici and Corina Șuteu (2022)
  • The day the Roșia Montană site entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.
    The day the Roșia Montană site entered the UNESCO World Heritage List, Declic HQ, Cluj-Napoca.
  • With Marie-France Ionesco, Peca Ștefan, Lucian Pintilie, Mircea Cantor and the team of the Romanian Cultural Institute NYC (2012)
    With Marie-France Ionesco, Peca Ștefan, Lucian Pintilie, Mircea Cantor and the team of the Romanian Cultural Institute NYC (2012)
  • Dan Perjovschi drawing for Cultural Policies (1999)
    Dan Perjovschi drawing for Cultural Policies (1999)
  • Team fARAD
    Team fARAD
  • With A. O. Scott
  • Nina Cassian in NYC
    With Nina Cassian in NYC

Organizations I've worked with